Sunday, June 14, 2009

Did God Miss?

How self-important of this priest/pastor/reverend/father/his holiness/whatever to assume that the almighty god took time out of His busy day to keep him safe from a natural gas explosion... sounds to me like god missed! Omnipotent/omniprescient my ass! Umm, dear god, if you KNEW that the my sunroom was going to blow, how about preventing the explosion in the first place instead of blowing my house to smithereens just to make a point? Especially my indoor pool area! Do you know how many collection plates it took to build the grotto??? Getting everyone to tithe during a recession when they should be paying their mortgage instead - it's tough! So apparently, the explosion itself can be chalked up to natural events (i.e. because god FAILED to stop it), but another random/natural event, the priest's absence that particular day, is attributed to divine intervention? WTF? You can't have it both ways.

Methinks Mr. Jakes should sleep with one eye open from now on! When it's your time, it's your time, buddy!

From the Associated Press:

DALLAS – Dallas megachurch pastor T.D. Jakes says a last-minute change of plans saved him from being killed in a natural gas explosion at his home.
Jakes told thousands at Sunday's service at his church — The Potter House — that he would have been getting dressed near the blast last week had he not suddenly had the feeling he should call off a planned meeting.
Instead, he wasn't anywhere close to the blast centered in a sunroom of his house in Fort Worth. No one was injured
Fire Department Lt. Kent Worley said Sunday that investigators ruled the blast accidental. He said the sunroom had a gas-fired pool heater and a large gas-fired barbecue grill.
Jakes praised God for keeping him safe and described his situation as "inconvenient, but alive."

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